• Cancellation/refund Policy: In the event of a cancellation made 30 days or more prior to the start date of the therapeutic retreat, a 75% refund of the total retreat cost will be provided. Cancellations made within 2 weeks of the start date will not be eligible for a refund.

  • No, the welcome package will include recommended flight times, nearby airports and shuttle services.

    If registering for Martha’s Vineyard, transportation will be provided to and from the airport during blocked time slots.

  • Spring – Weather in Colorado can be finicky in the spring. One day could be 50 degrees and the next, 12. Pay attention to the weather and bring layers accordingly. We will do activities outside in the snow, so please bring outdoor gear. We will be inside for the sessions, and we strongly recommend bringing comfy clothes for the group sessions.

    Summer – It is hot and humid in Martha’s vineyard in the summer. Our sessions will be inside in a temperature controlled room and we will also venture out to the patio outside. “The pond” is a quick walk and swim suits and swim gear is highly recommended.

    Fall - Weather in Colorado can be finicky in the fall. Pay attention to the weather and bring layers accordingly. We will do activities outside, so please bring clothes and good shoes for a hike or other activities outside. We will be both inside and outside for the sessions. Bring comfortable clothes, sunglasses and layers.

  • Absolutely, but know much of this experience is getting OUT of your comfort zone and opening up to others in the retreat.

    Do you know someone who might enjoy the experience? We offer $100 off registrations if you recommend a participant!

  • We love dogs. But, we do not want you to be worried about your dog or have responsibilities outside of what we are asking you in the retreat. So please give your pup a good snuggle before you leave!

  • No, the retreats are substance free to fully be present and open to the experience.

  • We will send out a form asking for any allergies prior to your arrival.

  • Feel free to stay on-site, or we offer discounted rates for those with their own housing.